Tuesday, November 10, 2009

4 Hours to Dubai

On the flight from Addis Ababa to Dubai we had just enough time to watch
one movie and J and I selected "Julie & Julia". I have to say, it was a
great movie and Meryl Streep is outstanding in the role of Julia Child.
It had us laughing a few times, and we only stopped the movie once in
the middle--to scarf down our dinner. It was nothing like the recipes we
were watching be prepared in the movie, but the shrimp salad, lamb curry
and apple strudel (while not the most brilliant combination of food I've
ever experienced) were pretty good. After the movie, we had about 30
minutes, so J showed me her strategy to play Chinese Checkers, which
they had on their seatback entertainment system. A pretty fun flight all
Arriving in Dubai, we dove into the extensive airport looking for J's
check-in counter, which we finally found at the other end of the
premises. The airport is absolutely massive, like a small city in and of
itself. It took some time, but we got her boarding pass and found the
right gate and I bid her adieu as she headed to Guangzhou on her way
back to Japan.
As for me, I took a seat in the lounge since I had about 10 hours until
my next flight, this time headed southwest. Nevertheless, I'll be back
in Ethiopia sometime early next year, so until then...


  1. So where's next? I'm guessing not Brazil if you're practicing Spanish... if you picked up any Portuguese though, hopefully that's coming in handy!

  2. Thinking long-term, I'm learning Spanish and hoping it will help me pick up Portuguese while I'm there. If anything, most Brazilians understand Spanish I'm told, while other S. Americans hardly understand Portuguese.


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