Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Before we left Addis, T said he wanted to buy some insect repellent to spray in the hotel rooms in the countryside. That's partially my fault because I told him that when J and I went to Awasa last time, she was bitten up on her arms. We managed to find some spray, threw it in the back of the car and headed off.
When we arrived at the hotel, before going out for dinner, we took turns spraying our rooms. I sprayed in the bathroom, in the corners and under the bed, since I still remembered the "roach motel" in Gondar last year. Then I gave the spray to T and he did the same.
Later, when we got back from dinner, I walked into my room to find it reeked of insect repellent. I opened the window and used the curtains to get some air circulating. After a while, the room seemed a bit better, and with the mosquito net, I think I was fine.
The next morning, T said he had sprayed too much as well, and he ended up sleeping with a wet cloth over his mouth! He said he didn't want to open the window since mosquitoes and flies would come in. Then, remembering I had told him about my surprise visitor, he added, "not to mention the frog that jumped in through your window."
Luckily, the hotel we found in Awasa seems to be very clean and critter-free.

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