Friday, May 1, 2009

Backstreet Boys

There were 5 of us, so three of us jumped in our rent-a-car with our driver and the remaining two guys grabbed a taxi. We agreed to meet at the Ethiopian version of Starbucks called Kaldi's Coffee. For whatever reason, our driver drove straight past Kaldi in the far lane, so it would have been pointless/dangerous to tell him to pull over at the last minute. I told him to take a right at the next street and pull over. Since Kaldi was not our final destination, I asked my coworker M if we should just meet at the restaurant instead.
I had been to the Chinese restaurant we had agreed on once before (here) and thought I might be able to retrace the way. However, it had been in the afternoon last time I went and now it was pitch black outside. As we drove down the road, I told the driver to take a right after Alize jazz club and go down that road. He did, and then--without being told to--turned right again at the next road. We pulled up to a trendy looking Italian restaurant and he stopped the car. The two colleagues in the car with me said, "Oh, this place looks nice." I broke it to them that we were looking for a Chinese place with blue and red Christmas lights on it and asked the driver to go around past the jazz club again and try a different road.
After 10 minutes we were completely lost in the backroads, so we called M again and he directed us to turn right at Kaldi's Coffee, then take the next left and a quick right down a road that was under construction...or at least it appeared so (hard to tell in Addis) because rubble piled up along both sides. Our small sedan rumbled down the road until we saw the place up ahead, parked in front and piled out. I looked down the road and saw that we had been less than 300 meters away when we took a right before. I sighed, then signed the driver's timesheet and bid him goodnight, and then joined 7 of my coworkers at a large table, complete with the familiar lazy susan, just as they had ordered a round of St. George's beer.

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