Wednesday, August 18, 2010


No, this has nothing to do with Elizabeth Gilbert... I just ran out and bought a kilo each of plum tomatoes and red onions for 19 birr (about $1.50). On the way home, I also picked up a half dozen jumbo eggs and a half pint of "excellent quality!" yogurt for about a dollar. Add this to the stuff I bought on Sunday, and I'm feeling stocked (although I am running low on Nutro tea biscuits).
When I paid for my groceries today, both times I ran into a classic communication problem, thanks to the similarity in pronunciation between, say, 13 or 30. For a native speaker, this may be clearly distinct, but non-native speakers must often overstress either word to make sure they are understood. At the veggie stand, the guy overcame this by saying, "one, nine". I figured it must be 19, and happened to have exact change. But then, walking back to the hotel, I began to wonder... wait, maybe it was 1.90?!? That'd be a little too cheap for 2kg of vegetables though--about 19 cents--but I'd overpaid for a phone call in China a couple years ago that way, so I knew it could happen.
Just to make sure, I asked at the front desk, "Hey, I just went shopping. What would you pay for this?" The receptionist told me she'd be happy to send one of the hotel staff to buy groceries for me next time if I felt I was getting inflated prices, which was nice to hear, but I still wanted to know what she'd pay. She quoted a price 30 cents cheaper than what I paid; a respectable margin for error and enough proof for me that I paid reasonably. Although, now that I know I have the option, I might send the bellboy to buy tomatoes next time if I happen to be feeling regal that day (..and I can't help but to note that his tip would be about 30 cents anyway). 
But for now, I'd better get in the kitchen and whip something up for dinner! Wish me luck.

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