Saturday, August 14, 2010

Road Work

Yesterday I moved to a slightly larger room in my hotel which faces the
street. It can be interesting to look out the window and see what is
going on in front of the hotel. The street widens into a separate lane
for local traffic that starts near the hotel. Near the entrance of the
separate lane, the street seems in serious need of repair since there is
a gaping hole protruding from the curb. However, if cars slow down and
stay to the left a bit, they can avoid getting jostled around. To assist
drivers in keeping safe, two young guys took it upon themselves to guide
traffic to slow down and stay to the left, one of them standing in the
hole in the road, and the other one standing on the driver's side of the
road to collect tips. It's a bit entrepreneurial, but since enough cars
roll down their windows and pass along some change, it seems to be a
lucrative social service.

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