Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Clown car

After dinner at a Lebanese restaurant with people from the embassy last
night, we were offered a ride back to Chez Glo in a little yellow Suzuki
hatchback. It was a kind offer so we accepted. However, no sooner had we
accepted the lift than we realized that the two remaining people also
lived in the same area, so we were all essentially headed in the same
direction. We tried to suggest the three of them go in the Suzuki and
we'd just grab a taxi, but they wouldn't have it an insisted that we
could all fit, no problem. All 6 of us piled in: 3 in the back, 2 in the
passenger seat, plus the driver. The sheer weight of six people after
eating a few plates of kebabs and what seemed like half a tub of hummus
must have been quite a shock to the little Suzuki because it murmured
and wheezed before finally turning its wheels and moving forward. It was
just a short drive until we dropped off the first person, and I'm sure
she was relieved to be the first one out of the clown car. Still feeling
crowded, we headed to the next stop and then finally ours. The three of
us filed out of the back seat and said good night. You could almost
imagine the car coming to life, placing a hand(le) on its lower back and
saying "Holy heck, anyone know a good chiropractor?" But the little
Suzuki still managed to sputter up the hill and around the corner to its
home where it could rest for the night.

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