Saturday, March 14, 2009

No pressure

There is intermittent water at the guest house now, but the water
pressure is so weak that it doesn't quite reach the second floor, where
I am. If the water doesn't come back on today I'm thinking to move to
the large room downstairs. In any case, this whole experience has caused
M to tell me that when he lived in Bhutan he stayed in a tent for two
weeks in the mountains, and since it took two weeks to trek to that spot
and another two weeks to trek back, he was without a shower for about 2
months. Hence, he says he's okay without a shower for a few days.
M told me that his first time out of Japan was a trip he took by himself
to Bolivia during university. A few years later he was assigned to the
Kingdom of Bhutan for two years as a JOVC (Japanese Peacecorps)
volunteer to study and teach geology. He said he had requested Bhutan
because it is in Asia but they are said to have excellent English
language ability. He wanted to learn English at that time but he thought
living outside of Asia for two years would be too much for him, so this
was a happy medium.
In any case, it's true that living in an underdeveloped country and
spending a few days without a shower will hardly turn heads. You can
look pretty rough here and still pass for squeaky clean. Afterall, when
you're walking down the street next to a herd of goats, no one is going
to comment on a bit of stubble on your face.

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