Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Lost", Part V: The Season Finale

Tonight: Ethiopia presents the season finalé to "Lost".
(See Part I, II, III and IV for backstory.)

Monday night we got a phone call as promised from Amir of Emirates Airlines, although he didn't have any new updates on the status of the baggage. However, as luck would have it, J had checked her e-mail when we got back to the hotel and found an e-mail from Malaysia Airlines. It stated that a bag they believed to be hers had been located and to contact them by mail or telephone. In the subject line was a new identification "case" number, so I told this to Amir and he said he would contact Emirates' Malaysia office right away with the news.
The following morning I received a phone call from another Emirates representative confirming that they had contacted Malaysia and the contents of the bag matched. I requested that they send the bag immediately and the rep said she would call me again with any new information, but we could expect to be contacted by Bole Airport Baggage Services if the bag arrived. Sure enough, Wednesday afternoon I received a phone call saying that the bag had arrived and we should come to claim it, so after I was finished at the office, our driver Abebe drove me to pick up J at the hotel and then we headed over to the airport.
The airport security attendants would only let two of us in to claim the baggage, so Abebe went to cover any Amaharic language problems since J is holding her own with English these days. I waited outside the main doors with the security guys and chatted with them for a while until, about 10 minutes later, my phone rang; it was J and they were at the exit. I excused myself from the security penalty box and the guys waved goodbye as I hustled down the walkway toward J. Soon I could see she was standing next to her bag so I pulled out my camera and snapped a photo of Abebe, J and her bag.
After some rejoicing and welcoming the bag back from its week vacation in Malaysia, we headed back to the car and then the hotel. The bag was still in fair condition and all the contents were there, although it was apparent that the bag had been opened by the airlines, but nothing was broken. J put her things away, finally feeling she had fully arrived; the feeling that she was missing something had dissolved. The following day, wearing her own clothes which she had packed for the trip, she accompanied me to the water technology center and finally met all the staff.

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