Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today I ordered beef tibs for lunch at the center cafeteria. Tibs are meat cubes marinated in garlic and sauteed with green peppers and onions, and it's always served atop injeera, a crepe-like bread that comes with just about every meal in Ethiopia. I've had tibs at a good restaurant before, and it can be excellent when done well. The cubes of meat are full of flavor, and the injeera, which is slightly sour, is an oddly good match. The cafeteria, however, isn't known to have a rating in the Michelin guide, and you take what you can get. The choice is usually between an Ethiopian dish or soggy sphagetti, so I tried my luck with the tibs.
A few minutes later, the tibs arrived. As usual, the injeera is spead out over a large silver platter, and the tibs were in a silver bowl on top of that. I tore off a bit of one edge of the injeera and scooped up a cube of beef. However, as I ate my first mouthful, I saw a weird bug run from the other end of my plate; it must have hitched a ride on the underside of the silver bowl when they set it on top of the injeera. The bug apparently didn't like the taste of the meal either because it was running pretty quick. My coworker, M, brushed it off the table and onto the floor, where it landed on its back and began waving its legs wildly.
I looked at the bug, then at my meal. I was done, but in an attempt to be polite, I poked at my food for the next five minutes until I could escape when nobody was looking.

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