Tuesday, February 24, 2009

...and on the seventh day...

Again, a warning to sensitive readers, this post recognizes the
existence of the small intestine.

Any time you go overseas to a far-away land, you're bound to find your
body has to struggle to adjust a little. So I wasn't too surprised to
face a minor "gastrointestinal adjustment"(*) after being in Ethiopia
for a week. The larger shock was the fact that--as I mentioned in a
previous post--toilet paper seems to be of short supply here. I made a
mental note that the roll of t.p. was not replaced in the Center
lavatory since last Wednesday and wondered if ever again the powers that
be would replenish the supply. Day after day, out of pure curiosity, I
glanced in the stall and, still nothing. However, on the seventh day, a
miracle! A half-roll of low-quality one-ply was installed by the
cleaning woman this morning. And so, even though my body has made the
necessary adjustments, just the knowledge that that little roll of t.p.
hangs in waiting, gives me a sense of comfort. So as for that particular
anxiety, on the seventh day there was rest.

(*) as a side note, unlike Americans who would rather resort to speaking
of personal journals in pig-Latin that be caught using a certain word
featured on a Pepto Bismol bottle (granted, it's not the easiest word in
the English language to spell), the Japanese have no reservations about
such issues and readily announce that they have "g-e-r-i" without regard
to piety or respect for, say, when people are enjoying the smell of
fresh flowers or dipping their naan in a curry.

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